Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Creating opportunities...

Sometimes you are all ready for an appointment, a meeting, or a call and it doesn't happen. I used to get upset when plans fell through and take it as a "sign" that I wasn't worthy of the other person's time or consideration. I would spend the time I was supposed to be with them wondering what was wrong with me. I did this both in my business and professional life. Before I knew it the time I was intending to coach, meet for coffee or just chat was gone and I had used it to simply wallow and spin a story.

I don't remember when it hit me, and to be honest sometimes it still doesn't, but more often than not these days I see a missed meeting, missed coaching call, or missed appointment as an OPPORTUNITY to do something meaningful. Rather than spend this time focusing on what may have been missed I choose to consider what I can do with this gift of time.

Today, a missed coaching call becomes an opportunity to send out a quick blog. Tomorrow's missed appointment may be a chance to take a brisk walk and next week's cancelled meeting could become a creative explosion of marketing ideas (seriously, I could really use that!).

The point is that we get to CHOOSE how we spend our time. No one dictates our thoughts and our choices... we may have no control over someone forgetting a scheduled appointment, but everything beyond that is up to us - what we do with that time, how we react, and what we do next.

Olivia is downstairs playing a game with her Lala (grandma), I am in a quiet space... all is perfect in my world right now. Sure, I could have been on a coaching call - but I am not.

When plans change how do you respond? Are you a "victim of circumstance" or a Creator of Opporunity? What can you do today to make the most of change in plans?

Thanks to my fabulous client for missing our call... oh wait, the phone is ringing, she is just 30 minutes late. Wow - what an excellent 30 minutes!